

MKGSA 공식 후원 업체

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 Dear Students,

 My name is Tina Yang, a doctoral candidate in the Counseling Psychology program at the University of Kansas. I am recruiting participants for my dissertation research under the supervision of Barbara Kerr, Ph.D. This study investigates stress, coping, and psychological well-being of American graduate students and Korean, Taiwanese, and Chinese international graduate students. If you identify yourself as an American graduate student of any race/ethnic origin, or if you are a Korean, Taiwanese, or Chinese, international graduate student, your participation in the study is much appreciated. Please use the following link for the research survey: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=qA_2fLxUwWOjYsVi48rAyzfA_3d_3d

 Please allow yourself 10-15 minutes to complete this online survey. Your participation is completely voluntary and your responses will remain anonymous and confidential to the degree permitted by the technology used. There are no foreseeable risks involved with this study. Your participation is extremely valuable and will greatly facilitate counseling psychologists and school administrators in providing better services to graduate students both domestically and internationally. Thank you very much for your valuable time. If you would like to participate in drawing one of the nine Amazon.com gift cards in the amount of two $50s, two $25s, and five $10s, please send an email with the subject title “Stress and coping survey gift card” to tinayang@ku.edu Emails will be drawn randomly from the pool of emails we receive. For confidentiality, your email will not be linked to your survey responses. Your chance of receiving a gift card is not contingent upon completion of the survey.

 This study has been approved by the Human Subjects Committee of the University of Kansas, Lawrence Campus (HSCL) # 18053. If you have any questions regarding this research, please feel free to contact one of the investigators listed below or the HSCL at University of Kansas. If you have any additional questions about your rights as a research participant, you may call the Human Subjects Committee Lawrence Campus at               (785) 864-7429  or email them at jbutin@ku.edu .

 If you have any questions or need additional information regarding this project, please feel free to contact one of the investigators. The contact information is listed below.


 Tina Yang                                                

Doctoral Candidate                                 

Counseling Psychology                           

1122 W. Campus Rd.                               .

Joseph R. Pearson Hall, 6th Fl                  

University of Kansas                               

Lawrence, KS 66045-3101                      

Email: tinayang@ku.edu                          

              (785) 864-9762                   
128 한국내 무료일일관광 이벤트 김재환 2009.12.09 8627
127 [후원광고] 대한통운 - 국제이사택배 ADMIN 2009.12.09 11436
126 [후원광고] 대한통운 - 국제이사택배 ADMIN 2009.12.09 7639
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> I am recruiting participants for my dissertation research ADMIN 2009.12.05 12448
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120 Culture at Core Program leader wanted Sangho Sam Kim 2009.11.30 6569
119 미네소타선교센터 Kim, hyerin 2009.11.29 12133
118 국내/해외(미국)박사 배출 현황 및 진로 실태 보고서 2 정창욱 2009.11.28 11349
117 2009 서울대 동문회 연말총회 공지 및 안내 1 tongss 2009.11.21 11459
116 최근에 OPT로 미국입국하신분이 계신가요? 1 ADMIN 2009.11.19 11660
115 위장병으로 고생하시는 학생분들 필독 - 뉴스타트 건강 센타 myson 2009.11.19 11530
114 치아교정 clinic 추천 sangwoo 2009.11.17 8744
113 성균관대학교 미네소타 동문회 추수감사절 모임 Peter 2009.11.13 10984
112 의료보험 없이 진료해 주는 클리닉입니다. Peter 2009.11.02 8078
111 미네소타지역 선교모임 Kim, hyerin 2009.10.31 10249
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