

MKGSA 공식 후원 업체

[ 건강/의료 ]
Cha AD
Prime Chiropractic
Prime Family Medical Clinic

[ 운송/이사 ]
Hyundai AD Hanmipost

[ 식품/음식점 ]

[ 생활/교육/통신 ]

[ 여 행 ]
Sharp AD
A1 travel AD

[ 법률/회계/보험 ]

다스 북미법인 DAS North America에서 생산관리, 자재, 품질팀에서 신입/경력 직원을 모집합니다.


당 법인은 Lear, Adient, Hyundai Transys 협력업체로 최종적으로는 현대, 기아, 리비안으로 납품 하고 있으며 Seat Structure를 주요 생산품목으로 하고 있습니다.


올해 당법인 예상 연매출 약 6,000억원이며 근무인원 총 1,000여명 입니다. 


전기차 신규 차종 확장에 발맞춰 신입/경력 직원을 모집하고 있으니 아래 내용을 확인하시어 많은 지원 부탁드립니다.


*추가로 조지아주 매터시에도 신규공장 건설중이며 전부서 모집중입니다.



1. 채용 분야


 ▶ 생산관리 (신입/경력)

•   Manage, direct, coordinate, and oversee the daily logistical activities of an automobile seat frames manufacturing company.


•   Ensure the company’s logistical activities are carried in accordance with the company’s established production goals and schedules.


•   Search ways to optimize service levels, to maintain supply-chain efficiency, and to minimize logistics cost.


•   Review, evaluate, and manage suppliers and vendors.


•   Collect and analyze clients’ complaints and issues related to distribution and inventory process.


•   Coordinate logistics schedules and work assignment among employees.


•   Review reports related to the company’s product distribution, distribution capacity, inventory management, and warehouse productivity.




 ▶ 자재 (신입/경력)

 • Develop, plan, and implement all aspects of resource distribution and transportation functions;


• Develop optimal time, cost, and logistics networks structures;


• Design, conduct, and evaluate operational and statistical models to be applied to production lines;


• Determine and assess the cost implications of various production methods and new operating or maintenance concepts;


• Manage Just-In-Time Delivery activities with the client companies and coordinate manufacturing plans and scheduling;


• Determine cost-effective routing and best service routings, coordinate pickups and delivery, and coordinate processes with inbound and outbound operations and vendors;


• Prepare purchase requisitions, approve and issue purchase orders in accordance with company policy and negotiated terms and conditions;


• Analyze overall purchasing budgets and direct cost allocation to each production unit for the management;


• Analyze logistics costs, identify service and cost improvement options, and make recommendations to the management to improve operations;


• Report statistical and unit-cost analysis to management.




 ▶ 품질 (신입/경력)


• Manage Overall Quality Control and Testing Activities:


 - Overseeing and coordinating all quality control and testing activities within the automotive seat structure manufacturing plant;


 - Ensuring that quality standards are met at every stage of the production processes;


• Analyze Engineering Specifications and Manufacturing Processes:


 - Studying engineering specifications and manufacturing processes to determine quality standards and establish reliability objectives for the finished automotive seat products;


• Apply Statistical Methods and Mathematical Calculations:


 - Utilizing statistical methods and mathematical calculations to identify the root causes of quality problems and implement data-driven solutions for continuous improvement;


• Document Quality Problems and Suggest Solutions:


- Documenting any quality issues that arise during production;


- Working with other teams to develop effective solutions for resolving these problems promptly;


• Assist Product Developers with Defect Detection:


 - Collaborating with product developers to detect and address any product defects during the design and development phase, ensuring that potential issues are identified and resolved early in the process;


• Coordinate Quality Control Objectives:


 - Working closely with production and engineering teams to align quality control objectives with production goals, maximizing product reliability, and minimizing production costs;


• Develop and Implement Test Plans:


 - Creating comprehensive test plans for the automotive seat structures, incorporating both manual and automated testing methods, to ensure the highest levels of quality and reliability;


• Ensure Compliance with Product Specifications:


- Ensuring that all automotive seat structures manufactured by the company comply with customers’ product specifications and quality requirements;


• Analyze Product Data for Quality Improvement:


 - Analyzing product data, customer feedback, and internal quality metrics to identify recurring quality issues and develop strategies for continuous improvement;


• Maintain International Organization for Standardization (“ISO”) Certification:


 - Ensuring the company’s compliance with ISO policies and standards, maintaining ISO certification for quality management systems; and


• Communicate with Management:


 - Collaborating with management to develop and update acceptable production and design standards keeping them informed about quality control activities and progress.



2. 채용 지역 및 조건

  - Montgomery 지역, AL

  - 공학 전공자 우대



3. 복리 후생

  - 빠른 영주권 지원

  - 의료보험 지원 (Medical, Dental, Vision 포함)

 - FSA 계좌 개설 및 보험 Cafeteria plan 가능

  - 401K 지원

  - 회사숙소 초기 지원



4. 급여

  - 경력직의 경우 경력에 따라 협의 후 결정

    * 대졸 신입 기준 $50,000 ~ (주 45시간 이상 근무시 1.5배 지급)



5. 지원 방법 (이력서 자유양식)

  - E-Mail 접수 : uchoe@dasnorthamerica.com

   *기타 문의 : 카톡 아이디 cu1021

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