

MKGSA 공식 후원 업체

[ 건강/의료 ]
Cha AD
Prime Chiropractic
Prime Family Medical Clinic

[ 운송/이사 ]
Hyundai AD Hanmipost

[ 식품/음식점 ]

[ 생활/교육/통신 ]

[ 여 행 ]
Sharp AD
A1 travel AD

[ 법률/회계/보험 ]


This week I have experienced the power of touch. On Sunday, a full-time massage therapist that Sara and I have hired for the ten weeks leading up to the ING NYC marathon arrived in town. I was really excited to have her join us in Mammoth because she had been a big help in working on me a lot leading up to the 2008 London Marathon where I set my personal best of 2:06:17. I remember in the build-up, how amazed I was nfl store after hammering a 23 mile long run and walk out of the massage feeling like I could go run some more. The next day I would be surprised by the lightness in my legs. Leah, our massage therapist, joined us and started working right away. The first couple of days I could tell that my legs were starting to feel better. Then last night before nfl shop the tempo run today I was walking around thinking to myself that I don’t think my legs have ever felt this good. But I wasn’t sure if it would pan out into a good workout the next day. As it turned out I had one of the best tempo runs I have ever had in Mammoth. It was amazing.