

MKGSA 공식 후원 업체

[ 건강/의료 ]
Cha AD
Prime Chiropractic
Prime Family Medical Clinic

[ 운송/이사 ]
Hyundai AD Hanmipost

[ 식품/음식점 ]

[ 생활/교육/통신 ]

[ 여 행 ]
Sharp AD
A1 travel AD

[ 법률/회계/보험 ]


One of the best ways to combat race jitters is to practice racing. Not just running but racing. This is true for novices and old hats alike, as many of us still get nervous for races even after years of running. If you're new to running, however, practice races will be an extra-valuable experience because they'll teach you how to deal with that squeamish butterflies-in-the-belly sensation before race day. In my experience nfl store a lot of running groups incorporate practice races into their training programs. If this is not the case for your group, talk to your coach about setting up an optional 5K one weekend or evening. Plot out the course (if the race you're preparing for is local, use the race-course), hand out bibs ahead of time, and have fellow group members invite friends and family to act as a crowd and cheer you on. The better you can mimic an actual race, the better it will help your group members prepare. The most important factor, though, is attitude. A mock race is a valuable training tool only if group members take it seriously, so encourage them to nfl shop take care to sleep and eat well in the days leading up to the race and to do visualizations of themselves running along different portions of the course.