

MKGSA 공식 후원 업체

[ 건강/의료 ]
Cha AD
Prime Chiropractic
Prime Family Medical Clinic

[ 운송/이사 ]
Hyundai AD Hanmipost

[ 식품/음식점 ]

[ 생활/교육/통신 ]

[ 여 행 ]
Sharp AD
A1 travel AD

[ 법률/회계/보험 ]
일본 동경 근무에 관심이 있는 분들에게 좋은 기회가 될 포지션을 소개합니다.
업무환경과 처우 등은 미국 실리콘밸리 Top-class 기업과 유사한 조건이며, Data Structure & Algorithm쪽으로 관심/자신이 있는 분들에게 적합한 기회입니다. 아래 내용 확인하시고, 궁금한 사항이 있으면 문의주세요~

[Company] The Biggest Job Aggregator Search Engines Site
[Location] Tokyo, Japan
[Company Introduction] 
As the world’s #1 job site, this site has recorded over 180 million unique visitors every month from over 50 different countries. The service is available in more than 50 countries with 28 languages by giving free access to millions of jobs from thousands of company websites and job boards in the world. The company serving this site was originally founded in the US, and now acquired by Japanese company. The following positions are open in the process of setting up the 2nd R&D Labs in Tokyo, Japan. The current employees/engineers are from all over the world, and working environment is based on English.

[Open position with Requirements]
Software Engineer
A degree in Computer Science, or equivalent work experiences
Programming experience needs to be recent.
Expertise of programming development with efficient and maintainable coding
Ability to adjust and apply team’s programming skills to services and development
Nice to have experience in programming a large-traffic website
Knowledge to apply data structures and algorithms to write high-performance, scalable systems
Know best practices for writing maintainable, well-tested code
Experience or knowledge with large-scale processing of data sets (eg. Hadoop)

Coding Environment & Program Languages
JAVA, C, VC++, C++, C#, .NET (VB.NET / ASP.NET), Perl, PHP, PL/SQL, Ruby, etc.
UNIX Linux Windows

Contact: Send CV to the following:
Sangmi Bae (Jackie@koreabrain.com / +82-10-9037-6247 / Partner (Sr. Director) at KoreaBrain)
공지 채용공고 게시를 원하시는 기업담당자분들께... ADMIN 2012.03.22 26996
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